We caught up with a familiar face on the barbecue judging circuit, Andy Williams, who was certified a Master Judge by the Kansas City BBQ Society in 2018. He told us how he fell into judging professional barbecue, and what he sees for the future of competitions
We couldn’t make Pit without our wonderful group of writers, illustrators and photographers. To highlight their contribution to our magazine, this is the first in a series of features where we concentrate on them
Turkish barbecue isn’t about cooking hard and fast; when I was a kid one of the first things my dad taught me was how to build a fire and test the temperature
The idea behind this new series of cookbook reviews is to find out if the books appeal to a home cook with average kitchen skills. I am this type of cook. I can make a banging ragu or coleslaw and I own a microplane, but I’m not going to wow anyone who comes over for dinner. That’s ok, I’m the Art Director: it’s not my job. I still love cookbooks though
Here’s something I made off the cuff last night which turned out really well, particularly considering it began with a lonely (albeit sunshine-yellow) courgette
Chef Elliot Cunningham runs a pop up called Lagom, currently in residence at Mother Kelly’s in East London. We caught up with him to find out why he loves to barbecue